95% PCR

Bain Divalent
Le Bain Divalent est un shampoing crème enrichi en Acide Aminé et Vitamine B6 pour cuir chevelu gras et longueurs sensibilisées. Il nettoie délicatement les cheveux en éliminant les impuretés et excès de sébum tout en respectant les longueurs afin de limiter leur dessèchement. Les cheveux sont plus volumineux en racines (+61,5%) et le démêlage est facilité. Grâce à son pouvoir hydratant, les longueurs restent brillantes et douces (+44%). Son parfum emblématique aux notes de Basilic, de Freesia et de Bois de Santal procure une sensation de fraîcheur et de tonicité.
La gamme Spécifique
Une gamme de soins spécialement formulée pour améliorer la santé du cuir chevelu en traitant des problèmes tels que les irritations, les cheveux gras, les pellicules, les cheveux clairsemés et la chute des cheveux, a été conçue pour rééquilibrer le cuir chevelu et offrir des cheveux en bonne santé.
Compléter la routine
Appliquez le masque Réhydratant de la gamme Spécifique sur les longueurs afin de parfaire le démêlage (+82%), et restaurer la qualité du cheveux. Le nouveau sérum Potentialiste est l'ultime étape de votre rituel : son action apaisante et équilibrante est l'alliée des cuirs chevelus déséquilibrés. Sa texture légère procure une sensation de fraîcheur immédiate, rendant son application quotidienne agréable.
Bénéfice des ingrédients
- Menthol : pour un effet rafraîchissant
- Vitamine B6 : pour nourrir le cuir chevelu
- Acide Aminé : un actif sébo-régulateur qui respecte les longueurs sensibilisées grâce à son pouvoir hydratant. Il régule le cycle du sébum en racines, tout en scellant l'hydratation au cœur du cheveu, évitant ainsi le dessèchement.
Comment utiliser notre shampooing pour cuir chevelu gras, Bain Divalent :
- Étape 1. Appliquer ce shampooing régulateur sur cheveux mouillés.
- Étape 2. Masser pour activer la micro-circulation.
- Étape 3. Rincer abondamment notre shampooing pour cuir chevelu gras des cheveux.
- Étape 4. Pour de meilleurs résultats, utiliser avec Masque Hydra-Apaisant.
ACIDE AMINÉ: UNE DOUBLE ACTION ACTIVE AVEC L'AFFINITÉ UNIQUE DU CHEVEU pour réguler le cycle du sébum et rééquilibrer l'hydratation.
NETTOYER EN DOUCEUR: Attire et piège la saleté dans les micelles. Équilibre les niveaux de PH, ce qui permet de nettoyer en douceur.
SOIN INTENSIF: Sa grande affinité avec les protéines du cheveu diffuse le soin en profondeur dans la fibre. Agit à la fois comme un ingrédient actif conditionnant et renforçant, améliore l'hydrophobie des cheveux affaiblis grâce à sa capacité à absorber et à retenir les molécules d'eau.
41.741474804E12 25-03-08
Good but not for me
I have fine hair and this shampoo was fine, but didn’t notice much after a long time of use.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Yvonne C
51.741387511E12 25-03-07
Great shampoo
smells amazing, and keeps my hair soft and silky. My hair feels Hydrated too.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.741459509E12 25-03-08
Perfect as always
I tried this collection for the first time, planning to give a try for the conditioner too next time
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.740711606E12 25-02-27
Good product
Smells great. I've been using this shampoo for a month now, it has been pretty nice to by hair so far. Would buy again.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.739980853E12 25-02-19
Un shampooing qui vaut le coup!
Après avoir essayé tellement de shampooing contre les cheveux gras, celui-ci est le seul qui me permet de tenir 4 jours facilement sans me laver les cheveux ce qui était impossible avant.
Je suis super contente même si le prix est un peu cher il vaut le coup!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase.fr
51.741297913E12 25-03-06
Muy buena textura
Me gustó mucho este producto, la verdad con poca cantidad es suficiente
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.739758505E12 25-02-16
Clean scalp and hair
My hair and scalp feel very clean after this shampoo. It takes any leftover products out of y hair.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.739639708E12 25-02-15
Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo for the win!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have been using this shampoo for more than a year now. It works so well for my oily roots and normal hair. Normally, I have to wash my hair every other day. After using this shampoo and argyle equilibriante, my roots are less oily and I wash my hair twice a week. Highly recommend!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.739758505E12 25-02-16
I love it
Best shampoo I’ve used. I’ve tried them all but this one really works for me. Cleans my hair without weighing it down and it actually stays clean and fresh for more than one day.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.739758505E12 25-02-16
Worked amazing
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] What shampoo for my daughter has oily scalp and it did wonders for her
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.739544313E12 25-02-14
Great product
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] It helps my hair grow back, and the smell is so good
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.739498415E12 25-02-13
Oily scalp
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love it, works amazing. Smells nice and work well on my hair
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.738939513E12 25-02-07
Smells Great ❤️!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hairdresser recently introduced me to this line and recommended this for my issue of oily roots and dry ends. I do think it does a nice job of balancing overall, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea for regular washing as think maybe my scalp is overcompensating and becoming more oily. I think I'm going to purchase the clarifying clay and see how they goes. It smells great!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.738953019E12 25-02-07
Smells very nice.
I think it’s balancing and smells great. Would buy again!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Nikkie MjM
41.738675811E12 25-02-04
Great for dry scalp
I’ve been having issues with my scalp being dry and even getting the dry patches. I’ve used this shampoo 3 times and I already notice a huge improvement.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.738433708E12 25-02-01
Works Great!
Purchased for my 13 yr old daughter who’s struggling with a bit of dandruff & dry scalp. She has thick long hair and uses this product line for every wash, which is sully ab 3-4 times a week. She’s seen great improvement w/scalp dryness and flaking. She ran out and wasn’t able to reorder for a few weeks…she could tell a difference in dryness & flaking when not using the product. Definitely helps to improve dry & flakey scalps! Smells great as well, NO medicinal scent to it like may anti-dandruff products.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.738226708E12 25-01-30
Love it !
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Finally, I found the “ cure” for my oily roots . I can go up to 4 days without washing my hair . Worth every penny
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Mary Stuart
51.738192513E12 25-01-29
Balancing Shampoo
Really helped my roots! I can now go multiple days between washes.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.73825911E12 25-01-30
Gave it a gift
My friend said that she was really pleased with how her hair turned out
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
31.739315691E12 25-02-11
I’ve been using this for 2 weeks, it is helping with oil control but it may be too much. Hair is feeling extremely dry after use.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hello Samantha1842, thanks for sharing your honest feedback on our Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. We love it when our consumers provide our brand with feedback, whether it be positive or negative. Consumer feedback helps grow our brand and create the products our consumers want and need. We thank you for taking the time to share your experience.
51.73786222E12 25-01-25
Oily roots and dry ends solved
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I had really oily roots and dry ends. When I washed my hair in the morning, the roots would like oily by the end of the day. I didn't know what to do! My stylist recommended this product and it works wonders! no oily roots and conditioned ends. I can even skip a day of shampooing
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.73769037E12 25-01-23
Super clean
Love this shampoo! Definitely clean my hair really well without drying it out.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.737354633E12 25-01-20
Best for oily hair
I have repurchased this product many times. My hair doesn't feel greasy anymore.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.737484215E12 25-01-21
love this shampoo
This shampoo detoxifies my scalp but doesn’t strip my hair of any moisture! It still feels nice and soft after using it and it gives my hair volume.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.737173706E12 25-01-17
My fave!
I don’t wash my hair daily so with going a few days (sometimes a week) between washes this shampoo is my all time favorite my hair feels sooooooo clean and looks so healthy and shiny after. Doesn’t weigh my hair down or leave me feeling greasy after a few days, I love it.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.736968524E12 25-01-15
Best Shampoo I’ve Found for My Oily Roots
I’ve always struggled with oily roots/scalp. I’ve tried many, many shampoos for oily hair but this is hands down the best!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.736618408E12 25-01-11
Loved the clean feeling and volume this shampoo gave me!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.736274615E12 25-01-07
Bain Divalent
It helps with my greasy hair. It last a long way...
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.736217907E12 25-01-06
Best friend !!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This shampoo have been my bestie, I just love how it works on my hair
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.736353829E12 25-01-08
Perfect balance
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I really loved, excellent for mix hair, oily scalp and dry ends
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Emme pea
21.736368365E12 25-01-08
Does nothing on thick hair
Does not work on thick hair. Made no difference at all.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hello, Thank you for reaching out about your recent experience with Specifique Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. We are interested in collecting more information and offering a solution. Please give us a call at 877-748-8357 Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. EST for assistance and provide the reference #39270965. Looking forward to speaking with you.
51.736178311E12 25-01-06
This works wonders for my teenage daughters hair!
I tried this for my teenage daughter who has very long hair that get's oily fast but doesn't want it to dry out. It's also fine. This shampoo made such a difference in her hair. It doesn't look greasy in a day and has nice body. I buy the travel size for her as well. Great product.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.735655412E12 24-12-31
Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo
This year, I decided to embrace my hair's natural texture (wavy!) and I've been on a search for the right routine. The Kerastase site helped me create a regimen of products that have made me a true believer. I use the divalent shampoo twice weekly. The scent is luxurious and my hair is clean, soft, and not at all oily. Highly recommend.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.735278309E12 24-12-27
Great shampoo
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My hair loves this shampoo. I have an oily hair and so far this is the only shampoo that can keep my hair clean longer.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.735323313E12 24-12-27
Solved problem
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have very oily roots and dry ends. This shampoo solved tgag problem! Roots are no longer oil but ends are nourished.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Cara Kara
51.735149613E12 24-12-25
Highly Recommend
I have fine hair and have to wash my hair every single night but when I use this I can go at least a day or 2 in between depending on the activities I did for the day. It can be a little drying if using it every single night so I like to switch it between another shampoo.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Lisa Lynn
51.735323313E12 24-12-27
Great for dry ends/oily roots
Love this product. I have tried everything for my oily scalp/dry ends and this is the only product that has ever shown significant improvement in my hair health and appearance! I have very straight medium thickness hair and have always had to wash daily prior to this shampoo but not I am able to wash every other day for the first time in my adult life!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Sharon MB
11.735580803E12 24-12-30
It’s my second time buying this product.
I didn’t like it the first time but I really wanted to give it another shot and I still think it doesn’t work.
I wash my hair and the next day it’s SUPER oily.
Very disappointing!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase.ca
Réponse de Consumer care center
Hello Sharon MB! Thank you for sharing with us some feedback on our Spécifique Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. Feedback from our consumers is very important to us and helps us improve all of our products. We apologize that you did not end up liking this product and we appreciate you sharing your experience. We thank you for giving this product a try as we will be passing on your comments to others in our team.
51.734488109E12 24-12-17
Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo
Very nice Shampoo does not dry hair, gives good cleaning to scalp, promoted hair grow and give volume to hair.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.734128107E12 24-12-13
The Best!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have been using Kerastase for years. My hair dresser recommended this new shampoo product. I love it! It balances the scalp oiliness but still leaves my hair soft and nice!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.734104718E12 24-12-13
Excellent product
Light, citrusy smell. Leaves my hair bouncy and clean for days longer than other shampoos. Goodbye oily hair!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.733962506E12 24-12-11
Very nice lather, subtle smell, helps a lot with how oily my hair gets. One of my staple shampoos
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.733502607E12 24-12-06
This is the only shampoo that cleanses my scalp without drying my ends.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.733520876E12 24-12-06
This is perfect!
What a great product. I use it when I need a light shampoo to "reset" my hair!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.733148072E12 24-12-02
Shampoing bain bivalent
J'ai acheté ce produit il y a quelques semaines et j'en suis vraiment ravi. Il rend mes cheveux brillants et doux.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase.fr
51.733022903E12 24-11-30
Consistency Matters
Great product. I can count on this product being the best for my hair.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.733006705E12 24-11-30
Controls oily scalp
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Controls oily scalp, great hair texture after using
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.732778105E12 24-11-28
Great product
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Leaves hair and scalp feeling clean yet not stripped! Wish I had found it sooner
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.734110104E12 24-12-13
love it for oily roota
helps with oily roots a lot. my scalp feels so much better, no itching, no excess oil and no redness
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.732563015E12 24-11-25
Good clean, tangle issue
This product cleans very well but I struggle with worsened tangles after. I use it in rotation esprit I feel my roots need a deep clean.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.732468511E12 24-11-24
in love
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I have had a lot of different shampoo for my oily hair, even one from here. But I am in love with this one right here. I would take a shower in the morning and at night my hair was oily. But with this I was able to go 2 days without having to shampoo my hair. I will be getting this for now on, and I am telling all of my friends and family all about this. You are going to love it.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.732642656E12 24-11-26
Give it a try!
Absolutely one of the best products I have used to help my scalp, prior to using I would struggle with an oily scalp no matter how much I shampooed. This product along with the mask helped heal my scalp back to a healthy state. My hair is now fuller and is the healthiest it has ever been. I highly recommend trying this shampoo!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.731888906E12 24-11-17
My daughter hair is oily. She tried different types hair products but they didn’t work. Now she got her favorite. Thank you Kérastase.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.731888906E12 24-11-17
Great product
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Great product for my hair. Would recommend all my girlfriends
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
31.733064308E12 24-12-01
Bought for oily hair
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I wanted shampoo that keeps my hair dry for longer days. The shampoo is not the best. But much better than any other available.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hello Greenteabrain, Thanks for trying our Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. While we're glad to hear it's better than other options you've tried, we understand it hasn't fully met your expectations for keeping your hair from getting oily. We appreciate your feedback and will keep it in mind as we continue developing and improving our products.
51.731686409E12 24-11-15
Love this for my combination hair!
Just the perfect balance. So glad I tried it. Will recommend to friends and family.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.731564907E12 24-11-14
Smells amazing
The best fresh and clean smell ever!!! Makes my hair smell clean and very nice.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Olya S
51.731596408E12 24-11-14
Great shampoo for everyday use, works perfectly!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love this shampoo, already used two bottles. It works great with my oily roots and makes my hair smell so good!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.731204909E12 24-11-09
Best shampoo
Perfect for my over heat styled dry hair. Scent is great too!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.731105907E12 24-11-08
Best Shampoo
This shampoo was introduced to me by a stylist in Las Vegas at the Canyon Ranch Spa. I can not thank her enough as this is the only shampoo, along with the one for color, that I have ben using now for 2 1/2 years. I love the way it leaves my hair feeling and my husband loves the smell! I have oily scalp and dry ends.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.731710889E12 24-11-15
Not Greesy
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this shampoo, it doesn't strip the hair, and I can go 3 days without shampooing it.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Vanessa Magnani
51.73083951E12 24-11-05
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Shampoo maravilhoso, se você tem cabelo oleoso , esse shampoo é pra você . Muito cheiroso e deixa o cabelo sem oleosidade e hidratado
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.731149917E12 24-11-09
its a good shampoo
It is a good shampoo as long as you do not have a scalp condition such as psoriasis or seborrheic dematitis, it is more of a control shampoo. However, I consider it a good shampoo.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.730240108E12 24-10-29
This shampoo definately did it's job. My hair and scalp felt clean. It's a good shampoo the day before a color.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.729578606E12 24-10-22
It works!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] 4th time repurchasing! action speaks louder than words!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.729522813E12 24-10-21
Great for oily scalps
Very clarifying but not too harsh. Works well on my fine but thick hair.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
31.7295432E12 24-10-21
Not the best for ultra greasy scalps
I bought this shampoo to help balance my really greasy scalp and so far have been underwhelmed. I was hoping it would push my hair wash days to be less frequent but I have not noticed a big difference. I do enjoy the smell and quality of the shampoo but it is not as degreasing as Bain Densite.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hello Dddiana- We appreciate your feedback on our Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. We're so sorry to hear that it is not your new favorite product. We aim to provide the highest quality products to our consumers, and we will gladly pass your comments along to our team. We hope that you will continue to explore the many products that KERASTASE has to offer in the future. Thank you for giving us a try!
41.729261808E12 24-10-18
Nothing special
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Love the scent, but it gets oily easily like others.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
11.731076943E12 24-11-08
It was itching my scalp a lot, even though I have oily scalp but it caused itching
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase.ca
Réponse de Centre Conseil Consommateur
Hello Tanishka! We are sorry of your experience with our Spécifique Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. One of our agent will be contacting you via email for further assistance.
51.728675914E12 24-10-11
Makes my hair balance
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love the way it makes my hair so balance not dry and oil
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.728413128E12 24-10-08
Love for oily hair
Love this on days when my hair is struggling with oils or after a rough workout. Very gentle on the scalp but very effective
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.728405914E12 24-10-08
Best Shampoo for Oily Hair
Works better than expected on oily roots! Hair stays clean and fresh for days with no build up!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.728410408E12 24-10-08
Best Shampoo Ever
I’ve tried others Kerastase Shampoo but none works as well as this one works for my hair. It keeps my oily roots from getting oily faster. I’d say it makes my hair a bit dry during winter but it’s still my go to.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.728071109E12 24-10-04
Helps with scalp oil
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Helps with oily scalp. Seems to leave my hair less smooth. Still good for occasional use to help clean up the scalp.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Anne Sherm
31.729195204E12 24-10-17
Overall just ok
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This shampoo has a nice clean scent. For me it does not lather as much as others from Kerastase. I will finish the bottle but will not repurchase.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hi Anne Sherm! We appreciate your honest feedback on our Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. We strive to deliver products that exceed the expectations of our consumers, therefore we always welcome all feedback, whether positive or negative. Your feedback allows our team the opportunity to improve our products. We thank you for the time you have taken to share these comments.
51.727892908E12 24-10-02
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This is a oily
Girls holy grail!!!!!!!! I got the whole system and it’s works
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
11.728595657E12 24-10-10
It caused irritation on my scalp, burning and peeling in some parts
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hello Alina78, We are sorry to hear about the experience you had with Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. We want to speak with you directly about it. Please give us a call at 877-748-8357 M-F 9:00 am – 5:00 pm ET for assistance and provide reference 37338668.
51.72745282E12 24-09-27
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] All my life I had silky long hair, but it would get greasy within one day. Finding the right shampoo has taken years until I came across Kerastase Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo. I have used Kerasta before because of my mother's years of loyalty to the brand but this was my first time trying it. From day one I WAS HOOKED. My hairs feels healthier, shinier and best of all IS NOT GREASY AFTER ONE DAY. THIS IS THE BEST SHAMPOO FOR OILY HAIR AND I WILL ALWAYS RECOMMEND IT!!!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
11.726924548E12 24-09-21
J’ai acheté 4 shampooing dont 1 est arrivé éventré. Le point relais a renvoyé les produits et Kerastase ne m’a remboursé que 3 articles sur les 4. Que dire de plus ??
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase.fr
Sara Gh
51.726402513E12 24-09-15
Great choice for me
Used the shampoo for more than a year long and it was really beneficial to my Oily hair.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.726262105E12 24-09-13
Magic for oily hair
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Completely got rid of my oily hair and dry tips. I can go multiple days without washing my hair and overall my scalp feels so much happier
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.726160422E12 24-09-12
Very good
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I love this. Very good product. Was good for my hair.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.72615503E12 24-09-12
Good for Oily Scalp
I have the unfortunate mix of dry hair but oily scalp and this helps alot.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Mrs Henry
51.725367507E12 24-09-03
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I live in the country with well water. It can be very hard on my hair and causes buildup. I am so glad I discovered Bain! Makes my hair feel so fresh and clean!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.725075906E12 24-08-30
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] My roots have always been on the oily side, this shampoo removes excess oil without making it dry!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.725626708E12 24-09-06
Good, just not for me
It was great for a while and it is good if you wash your hair only once or twice a week but I can't do that sadly so it's not for me
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.724629513E12 24-08-25
Make my hair more healthy
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This product make may hair more beautiful whit mask combo
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.724642122E12 24-08-25
Clean fresh feeling
This shampoo, I use whenever I feel my hair and scalp oily. It helps tame down my scalp by preventing it to get oily.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.724364931E12 24-08-22
I recommend this product 💯 %. It really works!! My daughter and I have sensitive scalp and this product has balanced our scalp! It is not turning red anymore! The falling has stopped as well as oily!!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
41.724037327E12 24-08-18
Works well!
I have greasy hair. The shampoo worked well, I was able to skip days of washing my hair. Will order my second bottle.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Choto Mom
51.723773617E12 24-08-15
If you want heavenly hair , this is a must . So if your thinking about it do yourself a favor and purchase
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.722530743E12 24-08-01
Healthy Hair
This shampoo is the best - my hair feels well balanced and really healthy using this shampoo regularly.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.722439876E12 24-07-31
Amazing product
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The best shampoo I ever tried. Amazing freshness and great for my scalp.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.722319212E12 24-07-30
best shampoo ever
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I've loved this product since day one. I could no longer live without my fav shampoo ever
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
51.722104124E12 24-07-27
So nice
This shampoo smells amazing and works great! Five stars!
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
31.721669723E12 24-07-22
A Disappointment!
Hair does not feel soft and very expensive for the results you get.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase.ca
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hello MCGD. We are sorry that the Spécifique Bain Divalent Balancing Shampoo did not provide the desired results and apologize for any inconvenience.. We invite you to reach out to us via email providing additional information to receive further assistance. [email protected]
51.721528113E12 24-07-20
Very good shampoo
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I loved what this shampoo did to my hair it was wonderful
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
11.721744114E12 24-07-23
Not very impressed
Tried this product was recommended the fact I have an oily scalp and dry ends. Definitely felt like it gave me a good clean on my scalp and I could go a couple days between washes and lengths felt fine didn’t feel dry but didn’t feel nourished either. Using this product every time I washed I did notice more hair fall than normal so that wasn’t a plus. I wouldn’t try this product again.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hi Cierraaaa, We are sorry to hear about your experience with our Specifique Bain Divalent Shampoo. We would like to learn more about your experience. Please call our toll free guideline at 877-748-8357 and provide reference #34176072. It would be helpful if you have the product available when you call. We look forward to hearing from you.
11.730402552E12 24-10-31
Reformulated & WORSE
The old formula was much less harsh and much more effective. This formula contains actual lye soap. I think we all know what soap does to the hair. This company has sold out to the fear-mongering misinformation that parabens are somehow unhealthy ingredients to have in haircare. They are absolutely one of the safest and most gentle preservatives that can be found. What has now happened is that products are unnecessarily reformulated to actually become more harsh on the hair (and skin) using chemicals that are ironically making your experience and possibly health worse! L’Oréal who owns this company is one of the leaders in cosmetic science and they know very well that parabens are MORE THAN SAFE. Instead of spending tons of money reformulating and relaunching products they should use those funds to educate the public about the safety of parabens.
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Réponse de Consumer Care Center
Hi Gigi7891! The L'Oréal Group, which includes Kerastase, is committed to upholding the highest standards of safety for all the products it makes and sells. All the brands of the L'Oréal Group are in full compliance with the requirements for safety in the more than 130 countries in which our products are sold, as well as with FDA regulations and the European Union Cosmetic Regulations. Additionally, every product formulation that the L'Oréal Group manufactures for its brands is screened and tested for safety before it is marketed to consumers. We invite you to visit www.cosmeticsinfo.org for more information on specific ingredients.
41.720964748E12 24-07-14
Smells great, didn't dry my hair out
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] I liked this shampoo but did not notice my scalp being less oily. It did not dry my hair out or weigh it down though. I think it is still a quality shampoo
Publié à l'origine sur kerastase-usa.com
Kerastase - Spécifique
Purifiez et nourrissez vos cheveux gras avec Bain Divalent, un shampooing sans silicone qui nourrit les cheveux de la racine jusqu'aux pointes.